Hull-based indie band The Vida Cult, fans of a good guitar solo and a catchy chorus released their new single Switch Sides earlier this month. Even after listening a few times the riff was stuck in my head. Full of drums and guitar reverb in true, up-beat indie style, there’s something nostalgic about the whole feel of the song. The vocals sit well within the track with the direct lyrical approach introducing this love song of sorts, before the song falls into an angry break of heavy drums and and an extended guitar solo. I did say they were fans. I am too. The last chorus drops to a very stripped-back performance, reinforcing that this is in-fact, a slightly wistful love song, despite the up-beat nature of the song that’s behind it.
I think the acoustic version is worth mentioning here too, which you can also find on their Spotify, switching the guitar riff for a moog-type keyboard sound, and slowing the whole song. It really puts the focus on the lyrics and, for me, changes the entire meaning of the song. The full version asks someone if they ‘maybe wanna switch sides’, and this, to me, seems much more like an internal monologue and a sort of ‘what if’, without the hope of the up-beat version. This performance of the story is much more sad, more melancholic and totally as brilliant as the full version. My forte does tend to be finding the unhappy in every song, so have a listen for yourself and see if that difference comes across for you too.
These boys are pretty new on the scene, but they’re getting places fast and filling up their calendar with live dates, having already played my favourites, The New Adelphi Club and at The Sesh at The Polar Bear. Hardly surprising - they’re sounding awesome! Their branding is on point too. If you remember any of your year 8 Spanish, you’ll know that ‘vida’ means ‘life’, and I’m a fan of the cult that is life. I’m also a big fan of the millennial pink logo. You can find Switch Sides and more of their music on Spotify and Youtube, and If you’re in Sheffield this week (the 19th specifically), they’re playing alongside The Avenues, The Cartels and The Blackouts at West Street Live. Get yourselves down for a night of good music from fresh Hull-based talent.